We must not minimize the seriousness of the grave sin of rejoicing, or appearing
to rejoice and making a festival on the terrible Day
of Blasphemy, that they call: "Yom Atsmaut"
(Israeli Independence Day). The day that the members
of the conspiracy against G-d and His Messiah, established
their Kingdom of Atheism over the Jewish People, by
uprooting the Holy Torah and the Faith. At that time,
the shedding of blood of myriad's upon myriad's of Jews
began. |
This is much worse than accepting idolatry, because
they not only accept it, but celebrate and rejoice in
the terrible rebellion against G-d and His Holy Torah.
There are many sinners and even deniers of the Faith,
whose hearts trouble them, because they are not serving
G-d, but they are unable to stand up against temptation
and against deceitful ideologies that confuse them.
However, those who rejoice in this sin, are guilty of
much worse, blasphemy.
May the Merciful save us from them and from their followers,
and strengthen our hearts and enlighten our eyes in
His Torah and in His Service.
May His name be blessed.
Va'Yoel Moshe, vol 2 chap. 157, by The Grand Rabbi Joel
Teitelbaum of Satmar ZT”L