About Neturei Karta Neturei Karta Activities Recent Activities and Events



Representatives of The Neturei Karta travel the world to attend conferences and conventions to publicize the Torah Stance.

15 Apr 2015 Caracas, Venezuela Global Campaign to Return to Palestine
26 Dec 2014 Chicago, IL NK booth at MAS-ICNA convention
28 Nov 2014 Chicago, IL American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) annual conference 2014
13 Nov 2013 Pistoioa, Italy Rabbi Weiss on Judaism, Israel and Zionism
24 Oct 2013 Denver, Colorado Rabbi Weiss on Judaism, Israel and Zionism
19 Jun 2012 Beirut, Lebanon Palestine Nation's Awakening
26 Apr 2012 Fairfax, VA Arab-Jewish Relations Prior to the State of Israel
26 Feb 2012 Doha, Qatar International Conference on Jerusalem
14 May 2011 Tehran, Iran International conference on Global Alliance against Terrorism for a Just Peace
29 Apr 2009 Davis, CA Lecture: Zionism - A Rebellion Against God
26 Feb 2009 NYC Discussion Panel at City College NYC
30 Aug 2007 Brussel, Belgium UN Conference on Israeli-Palestinian Peace
11 Dec 2006 Tehran, Iran The Holocaust - Global Vision Conference
09 Jul 2006 London, UK Islam Expo
12 Jun 2005 London, UK Islamic Human Rights Commission Conference
24 Feb 2005 Beirut, Lebanon Second Conference of the International Union of Parliamentarians for the Defense of the Palestinian Cause
13 Apr 2003 MIT, Cambridge, MA Palestinian Resistance & Zionist Colonialism
01 Mar 2003 England International Conference on Jerusalem/Al-Quds
28 Jan 2003 Calgary, Canada An Evening of Perspective and Controversy
01 Sep 2001 Durban, SA UN World Conference Against Racism
29 Nov 2000 NYC United Nations Annual day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
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