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Second Conference of
the International Union of Parliamentarians for the Defense of the Palestinian Cause


A delegation of Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews traveled to Beirut, Lebanon from the United States and the United Kingdom to join "The Second Conference on The Palestinian People's Right of Return" hosted by The International Union of Parliamentarians for the Defence of the Palestinian Cause Under the auspices of His Excellency The president of the Lebanese Republic, General Emile Lahoud, for the purpose of clarifying the Torah-faithful Jewish position on the issue of the Palestinian Right of Return and the Middle-East conflict in general by conveying that:

  • The Jewish people feel the suffering of the Palestinian people.
  • We accept G-d's decree to be loyal citizens in every nation where we reside and will not rebel against any nation.
  • Jews true to the Torah accept G-d's decree of exile and will not make their own entity, any type or form of state but rather are waiting patiently for the revelation of G-d's glory when all mankind will recognize and serve the one G-d together in peace and harmony.
  • "Zionism does not represent the world Jewish view"
  • "Judaism and Zionism are extreme opposites"
  • "the 'state' of Israel does not represent the Jewish People"
  • The Palestinian people should be granted the full and immediate right of return.
  • The transformation of rule over the complete Holy Land to the Palestinian people, in which Jewish people would be their loyal citizens.

The conference was attended by delegations from over thirty countries.

Rabbi Weiss, Rabbi Feldman, Rabbi Cohen

Read Speeches delivered at the conference by Rabbi Ahron Cohen and Rabbi Yisroel Weiss and .


The Daily Star:
I Am a Jew Not A Zionist

4 Jewish Rabbis Make Pro-Palestinian Appearance in Beirut article:

The conference was followed by other events including a visit to The President of the Lebanese Republic, General Emile Lahoud and a visit to the Sabra-Shatila Refugee Camp outside the city of Beirut.

Visit to the Presidential Palace

Visitor to the Presidential Palace.

Select Representatives of the delegations participating in the conference were invited to a meeting with the President of the Lebanese Republic, General Emile Lahoud, who personally greeted each representative.

Visit to Fatima's Gate on the Border of Lebanon

The Anti-Zionist Jewish delegation paid a visit on Sunday to Fatima's Gate in the border town of Kfar Kila in Southern Lebanon. Read the Daily Star article.

Visit to the Sabra-Shatila Refugee Camp

Following the conference the Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish delegation visited the mass graves of the victims of the invasion of Lebanon which occurred September 16-18, 1982 at the Sabra-Shatila Refugee camp located outside the city of Beirut to demonstrate empathy for the refugees and that Torah-Faithful Jews condemn all actions of the state of "Israel."

Anti-zionist Orthodox Jewish Delegation(above)

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