Judaism and Zionism are different and
incompatible concepts diametrically opposed
to each other. Zionism and the State of "Israel" is
a tragedy for the Jewish People, as well
as for the Palestinians.
The continuing existence of the State
of "Israel" is the underlying
cause of the strife in Palestine and of
much of the strife further a field. In
fact, it has been universally recognized
as the main cause and catalyst of anti
Semitism world wide.
Governments of the world should realise
that supporting Zionists, Zionism and the
State of "Israel" is not helping
Jews or Judaism, but only perpetuates the
tragic impasse and constant bloodshed in
the Middle East.
The founding of the State of Israel is
in direct contradiction to the teachings
of the Torah which forbids the establishment
of a Jewish state and commands Jews to
remain in exile until released from that
exile by G-d Himself, without any human
intervention, at which time all Nations
of the world will live together in peace.
Two thousand years ago, at the time of
the Temple’s destruction, the Jewish people
were put under oath and forbidden by the
- To go up en masse to the land of Israel
- To rebel against the nations
- To in any way attempt to end the exile
In the Talmud it states further that to
transgress these oaths of exile, to attempt
to leave exile, will bring catastrophic
results (kesubos 111a).
Torah faithful Jews are to behave in
a loyal, civil, honest and grateful manner
towards their host nations, throughout
the world.
The Zionist intervention against G-d’s
will, by establishing the “state of Israel” represents
an official rebellion against G-d and the
Torah, a rebellion which has generated
untold pain and suffering. A litany of
evils which has emanated from the creation
of the State, in regard to the Jewish population
is, the desecration of the Sabbath, loss
of modesty, and an endless list of violations
against many laws of our faith and Jewish
teachings. Amongst the Jewish teachings
violated, is the command of compassion
for our fellow beings. The list goes on.
In regard to the Arab populace, the litany
of evil includes the deportation, subjugation,
and oppression of its people, destroying
of their homes, fields, olive orchards
etc. The list goes on and on…
The Torah declares, to defy G-d's directives,
will not be successful, as it states "why
are you violating the words of G-d, it
will not be successful" (Numbers, 14: 41).
Our Rabbis warned us at the inception
of Zionism, that creating this State will
bring endless rivers of blood and untold
Therefore - we, the Jewish people, the
followers of Judaism, who are true to G-d
and His Torah, emphatically state, with
full conviction, that - true lasting peace
and harmony will never be attained only
with the total dismantlement of the heretic
State of “Israel”. Only when the Palestinian
people are able to live in freedom and
self-rule throughout historic Palestine,
will there be peace in the Holy Land!
We pray constantly to G-d and await the
annulment of Zionism and the speedy, peaceful
dismantling of the State of "Israel", and
transformation of rule to the indigenous
Arab Palestinian population. We would welcome
the opportunity to once again dwell in
peace and harmony in the holy land, Arab
and Jew together, under a rule which is
entirely in accordance with the wishes
of the Palestinian People, which this is
the will of G-d. Ultimately we pray to
merit seeing the day, in the near future,
when all humanity will recognize the rule
of the One G-d and serve Him harmoniously
in peace and happiness. Amen. |