New York City, NY August 14, 2005. The
debate continues between the Zionists,
give up the settlements or not.
“The world should be aware that
this is not a Jewish problem, this is a
Zionist problem only”, said Rabbi
Yisroel Weiss, “because the State
of “Israel” is not a Jewish
state but a Zionist state”.
Rabbi Weiss continued, “Judaism
and Zionism are extreme opposites.”
“According to the true Jewish belief,
Jews are forbidden to create their own
state before the coming of our Messiah.
(Talmud, Tractate Kesuboth, p.111)”
“If not for the existence of the
State of “Israel”, all these
problems would not exist and “solutions” would
not be necessary.”
Orthodox Jewish leaders and laymen have
fought Zionism continuously since its inception
and up until the present day. Of all the
nations who have suffered from Zionism,
the Jewish Nation has suffered the most,
because the uprooting of ones belief and
religion - according to Jewish law is more
catastrophic than the loss of life itself.
Accordingly, attempting to leave exile
and all the other cardinal crimes associated
and committed by Zionism and their “State”,
such as the theft from, subjugation and
oppression of, the Palestinian people,
the continuous attempts to uproot the Torah
and oppress the Torah-true Jews, etc.,
are to us religious Torah-true Jews, the
worse tragedy.
Orthodox Torah-true Jews are shamed and
pained by the terrible crimes that Zionists
and their “State” are committing.
And the shame is compounded, when this
is being done in the name of “Israel”,
the name that Zionism has appropriated
from the Jewish religion.
A counter protest will take place against
both factions of Zionism