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Orthodox Rabbis Endorse Palestinian Protest

Washington, (October 28, 2000) – Rabbi David Weiss, spokesman for Neturei Karta International, an organization of Orthodox Jews opposed to Zionism, stated today, “We are grateful to the Creator for allowing us to participate in Washington today with The National Task-Force for Jerusalem’s demonstration of solidarity with the sufferings of the Palestinian people. The wrongs committed over the past 52 years and reaching back into the last century by Zionism towards the indigenous people of the Holy Land are a ghastly crime.”

The Rabbi explained that it is “particularly imperative that Jews stand together with our Arabic cousins.

“Since the crimes have been done by misguided Jews whose minds have been filed with hate and aggression by Zionism, we must tell the world that the Zionist perspective is far from universal.”

He saw the source of the problem as “Zionism’s inherent rejection of G-d. A movement whose founders were atheists cannot be expected to behave in a moral fashion to other peoples.

“Jews are a people in exile. We do not desire in any way, shape or form Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land. With advent of the Messiah all mankind will live in harmony and peace and serve G-d in joy.

“It is most important, from a moral perspective, that Torah Jews the world over express sincere Jewish regret over the deeds of the state of Israel.”

The Rabbi explained that it is “particularly imperative that Jews stand together with our Arabic cousins.

“Since the crimes have been done by misguided Jews whose minds have been filed with hate and aggression by Zionism, we must tell the world that the Zionist perspective is far from universal.”

He saw the source of the problem as “Zionism’s inherent rejection of G-d. A movement whose founders were atheists cannot be expected to behave in a moral fashion to other peoples.

“Jews are a people in exile. We do not desire in any way, shape or form Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land. With advent of the Messiah all mankind will live in harmony and peace and serve G-d in joy.

“It is most important, from a moral perspective, that Torah Jews the world over express sincere Jewish regret over the deeds of the State of Israel.”


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