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Orthodox Jews to Counter Demonstrate the State of "Israel" on july 20, 2003

17 July 2003

In response to the announcements of Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists who are planning demonstrations in support of the Zionist State on Sunday, July 20, 2003, we hereby wish to state categorically that such demonstrations do not represent the views of authentic Judaism. No matter how many people may take to the streets in support of the Zionist State of “Israel,” the facts of history and the teachings of our religion cannot change.

As we have explained numerous times, all the great rabbis of the 20th century were opposed to the Zionist movement, and understood the danger it presented for the Jewish People and its relations with other peoples, especially the Arabs and Palestinians, with whom Jews have lived in peace and harmony for over 1,000 years. Our rabbis warned that Zionism would be the cause of great conflict and bloodshed. Therefore we must proclaim the truth that no peace can ever be realized until the Zionist state is peacefully dismantled.

Zionism rejects the teachings of Judaism, including the Divinely-ordained Decree of Exile from the Holy Land some 2,000 years ago, according to which Jews are instructed to live among other peoples in peace, friendship and harmony. Any violation of this decree, such as the establishment of a Zionist state, is a grave sin, and as history has proven, provides no lasting benefit for any Jews whatsoever, and in fact has been a relentless assault on everything Judaism holds dear.

The views of such demonstrators in support of the continued existence and policies of the Zionist regime in the Holy Land only serve to exacerbate the suffering that already exists there. We proclaim that true peace and justice according to the Jewish religion necessitate that the Zionist State of Israel be peacefully dismantled, that the civil and human rights of the native Palestinians be restored throughout historic Palestine, and that the dispersed Palestinian refugees have the right to return to their homes throughout historic Palestine.

May G-d answer our prayers and enable us to witness the restoration of peace and brotherhood in the Holy Land.

A counter demonstration will be held to by anti Zionist Orthodox Jews on July 20, 2003 in New York City at 42nd Street corner of 2nd Avenue, at 12 noon.

For more information e-mail to info@nkusa.org or phone 914-262-8342

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