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Protest Against the Jewish National Fund
July 20, 2010
Montreal, Quebec Canada

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada 20 July 2010

Orthodox Jews protest outside the offices of the JNF

Montreal Orthodox Jews to Protest Outside JNF Offices

July 19, 2010

A group of anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will protest tomorrow, July 20, at 5PM, outside the offices of the Jewish National Fund [JNF] of Canada, 5757 Boulevard Cavendish Blvd, Montreal Que. Their goal is to express their opposition to the existence of the state of "Israel" and to protest the ongoing destruction, permitted and encouraged by the Israeli government, of an ancient Jewish cemetery in Jaffa.

"This is a cemetery in which Jewish sages from the Talmudic era lay buried, until last month when a company called RFR Holding LLC decided to build a hotel on the site of the cemetery," said Rabbi Yoel Stern, one of the organizers of tomorrow's demonstration. "On June 14, Israeli archaeologists, accompanied by bulldozers, began to remove some of the bones. On July 1, the company began to flatten the area and drill deep holes for the pillars of the building. More bones are being desecrated as we speak.

"Religious protesters at the site have been routinely abused by the police with beatings and tear gas. On July 7, police burned the hand of protester Rabbi Samuel David Rothschild, and then held him in custody for a day without access to medical care. The goal of the Israeli government is to silence all those who oppose their activities."

"According to the Torah, Jews are currently in exile and are not permitted to have a state of their own. Furthermore, the leaders of the Zionist state deny all of Judaism's basic principles, one of which is the immortality of the soul and the eventual resurrection of body and soul together. That is why we are commanded to treat human remains with the greatest respect. The Zionists lacks the respect for human dignity that most countries of the world practice. In fact, this very cemetery was protected for hundreds of years under Muslim empires.

"After all this, they have the nerve to call themselves "Israel" and base their claims to the land on the Torah! Torah Jewry and all authentic rabbis of the world have fought against Zionism since its founding day. Torah Jews will never recognize Zionist sovereignty over the Holy Land.

"We want the world to know that there is nothing Jewish about the Jewish National Fund, and those who contribute to it are aiding the Zionists' war against Judaism."

To see more on the latest incident with Rabbi Rothschild, click here http://www.nkusa.org/activities/Demonstrations/20100707.cfm#
To learn more about the Israeli oppression against religious Jews in the Holy Land, click here http://www.israelversusjudaism.org/
For more information on ongoing activities against the State of Israel, click here

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